• City of Miami Beach on Issuu
City of Miami Beach
1700 Convention Center Drive
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
Phone: 305.673.7000

Boards & Committees

Boards and Committees provide a tremendous service to the City of Miami Beach. These volunteers give hundreds of hours of their own time and expertise to advise the City Commission on matters of particular concern.

Miami Beach Board & Committee Members: Beware of phishing emails - stay vigilant, avoid clicking suspicious links!

Boards & Committees

Boards and Committees provide a tremendous service to the City of Miami Beach. These volunteers give hundreds of hours of their own time and expertise to advise the City Commission on matters of particular concern.

Vacancy Listings

Searchable Report

City’s Boards and Committees

Liaison Responsibilities

Liaison Responsibilities


Liaison Contact Information

Financial Disclosure Information

Board and Committee Members

Ethics Training Workshop Video

Application Process

Citizens who wish to become a board member must fill out an application

Submit a question about the application process:

What is 7+4?

City Hall

Commission Committees

Deco Drive

Land Use Boards

Public Record Requests

Visit the City of Miami Beach Public Record Request site. Submit a new request, check the status of a submitted request, and search the record request archive.

If you have any questions about Public Records, please call the City of Miami Beach City Clerk's office at 305-673-7411.