Report fraud, waste, abuse or mismanagement
When reporting fraud, waste, abuse of power, mismanagement or corruption, you may remain anonymous. However, you are encouraged to identify yourself so that we may follow up on your email or call, and obtain additional information that may be helpful to our review of the matter. If you give your name, your identity will be protected to the maximum extent of the law. In addition, there are certain provisions under Florida law that protect employees and independent contractors, engaged in business with the City, from retaliation under certain circumstances. If you believe that making a report to the OIG will place you at risk of retaliation, you should inform the OIG of this fact.
The more information you provide, the more thorough our investigation can be. Any relevant information you acquire after making a report to the OIG should also be reported in a follow-up phone call or email.
*Please be assured that information sent from this screen is transmitted directly to the OIG and is not part of the City of Miami Beach Network.
Contact Us

1130 Washington Ave, 6th Floor,
Miami Beach, FL 33139