• City of Miami Beach on Issuu
City of Miami Beach
1700 Convention Center Drive
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
Phone: 305.673.7000

Tourism & Culture Menu

Arts Council Grant Program

Cultural Arts Council Grant Program

The City of Miami Beach Mayor and Commission and the Cultural Arts Council have awarded approximately $20 million in cultural arts grants. Learn about the program and application process.

Special Events Sponsorships

Special Events Sponsorship Program

The City of Miami Beach will consider sponsoring special events, community projects, or programs based on qualifying for set goals and objectives. Learn more details about the program and application process.

Film and Print sponsorships

Film Incentive Program

To further the City's legacy of being a premiere destination for film, the City's Film Production Incentive Grant Program awards grants to at least nine feature films, music videos, television shows, documentaries, short films and even web series to enable production in the city. Learn more about this incentive program and how to apply.

venue waivers

Venue Waivers

Venue waivers are available for nonprofit arts organizations that will present performing arts activities in Miami Beach.

paint brush on canvas

Artist Vendors

For those interested in displaying their own individually created photography, jewelry, sculptures, sketches, and crafts. Learn how to obtain an Artisan license within the City of Miami Beach.

non profit member

Non-Profit Agencies Board Member Training

Pursuant to City Resolution No. 2018-30552, if applicable, Grantee is required to have 51% or more of its board membership complete the City’s training program for board members of non-profit agencies, who must have completed such training program within the last three years prior to Grantee receiving City funds pursuant to this Agreement.

Since the program’s inception, the City of Miami Beach Mayor and Commission and the Cultural Arts Council have awarded approximately $19 million in cultural arts grants, supporting thousands of performances, exhibits, and other cultural activities in Miami Beach. The grants program is managed by professional staff from the City of Miami Beach’s Department of Tourism and Culture division of Cultural Affairs.

The purpose of this program is to provide financial assistance and in-kind support to local festivals, special events, community events, or programming that attracts quality events and promotes community engagement and elevates Miami Beach as a world-class tourist destination. The City recognizes the important role that quality and well-financed events play in supporting the special event community, as well as the promotion of tourism, economic and cultural development efforts as a whole for the city.

Office Info:

Tourism & Culture Department

Special Events and Film Division 

Cultural Affairs Division

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