• City of Miami Beach on Issuu
City of Miami Beach
1700 Convention Center Drive
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
Phone: 305.673.7000

Tourism & Culture Menu



Film & Print permits are required for individuals and businesses wishing to conduct commercial film, television, video, photography, and all other media use projects taking place on public property, at residential locations, when City services are required.


Site Specific

If the production requires support from other city services departments, additional supporting documents are required.



All requests for aerial filming over the City of Miami Beach will require a Film & Print Permit for “Miami Beach Aerials” detailing the proposed date, time, location and flight pattern of each flight.


Vehicle Beach Access

Productions requesting to park essential vehicles on the beach or sand (Hard Pack) areas of Miami Beach may purchase Vehicle Access Passes.

News Media:

Professional journalists collecting, photographing, recording, or reporting "news" as defined in section 90.5015 of the Florida Statutes are exempt from obtaining a permit, otherwise known as the “Breaking News” exemption. Any produced pieces that do not fall under the “Breaking News” umbrella and includes uses that require City coordination, inclusive of vehicles accessing authorized areas requiring prior written authorization for access (e.g., beach and park areas) must request a Film & Print permit.


Students must comply with all permitting requirements. Students are to apply under their school’s name and will be asked for their institution’s insurance if an active certificate of insurance is not already on file. To tie them into the school’s insurance, they must provide a copy of their valid student identification, and a copy of their course schedule with the class they are doing the film project for highlighted. Schools and government institutions are exempt from the Indemnity Agreement requirement.

Office Info:

Tourism & Culture Department

Special Events and Film Division 

Cultural Affairs Division

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