Permitting FAQs
General Permit Frequently Asked Questions
All permit applications are online via the Citizen Self Service (CSS) Portal by following this link Civic Access (miamibeachfl.gov).
All permit applications are online via the Citizen Self Service (CSS) Portal by following this link Civic Access (miamibeachfl.gov).
Go to PW website link( Process Workflows and Checklists - City of Miami Beach (miamibeachfl.gov) under specific permit you are applying for look for “Documents Needed for Permit Application Online”.
Any work on Public Street, Public Sidewalk or Easement or within the Public ROW.
- Public Property is any property that is not owned by a Private Owner.
- All Utility Easements MUST and will require ROW permits.
- City Parking Lots and City Parks which have Utility Easements will require a ROW permit.
- ROW Review –5 to 10 business days (For one (1) review cycle)
- Operational Review - 10 business days (For one (1) review cycle)
- MOT Review (Department Managers) - 20 business days
Applicant will receive an email from CSS Portal once the permit has been approved.
➢ For Status of the application Go to CSS Portal (Log In (miamibeachfl.gov)) and Log In to your account.
➢ Go to CSS Portal home page (Civic Access (miamibeachfl.gov) and click “Search for Permits” under Permits Icon.
Send email to RightOfWay@miamibeachfl.gov with permit number and extension date.
The existing permit can be used and extended. An extension fee will be required, and extension may require additional information/documents.
Any Work done under or approved by a Revocable Permit can be changed by the City at the City discretion. City might issue a Resolution for maintenance responsibility of asset added. Revocable permits are applied through the CSS Portal.
Click here for Stormwater Utility Fee Calculation Worksheet.
Steps to apply online for sewer allocation letter
Please submit the sanitary sewer allocation thru the CSS Portal. Submit the application for a “Sewer Capacity Certification Letter” permit thru the CSS Portal at www.MBSelfService.com. The CSS Portal is relatively simple to navigate, and additional logins can be created for any establishment. Below is a quick step by step outline of how to apply.
Once all the documents required to submit a complete application have been gathered, they are ready to apply for the ROW Permit.
Step 1. www.MBSelfService.com (If new to CSS the applicant must first create an account)
Step 2. Under Permits Icon, click “Apply for Permits Online”
Step 3. On the left-hand side, click “Show Categories”
Step 4. Under Categories, click “Public Works (42)”
Step 5. Scroll down until “Sewer Capacity Certification Letter” and click Apply
Step 6. “Add Location” is the address of the property
CSS will assign a record number (SCCXXXX-XXXX).
Ensure to upload all respective documents (Certificate of Use (if site previously occupied), Miami-Dade County Property Appraisal, Building permit plans, Lease Agreement (if no improvement work is being performed), Miami-Dade County Sewer Allocation Application with appropriate information completed, etc.
Covenant is a legal agreement between property owner/LLC etc. and City of Miami Beach.
Covenant is needed anytime a property owner is building or planting within a utility easement. Process usually takes 4-6 weeks for legal review depending on project and council approval timing. If you are building or planting on Utility Easement reach out to ROW via RightOfWay@miamibeachfl.gov attention ROW Manager.
Link ( Permit Process Workflows and Checklists - City of Miami Beach (miamibeachfl.gov) to PW Permit Page.
No. New applications starting January 1st , 2023, residents will not need a ROW permit / Pool Bond for pools.
Permit Specific Frequently Asked Questions
Sewer Allocation Permit
- New Construction,
- Change of Use,
- Addition to Property (see Ch 24.43 Miami- Dade County Code, see Schedule of Daily Gallonage LINK )
For additional information see County Website.
List of Document can be found in Citizen Self Service (CSS) Portal when applying online. See below list of documents needed:
Sewer Capacity Certification Allocation Letter, Miami-Dade County Property Appraiser Summary, Last Occupational License or Business Tax Receipt (BTR), Building Plans, and Lease Agreement (as applicable)
- Yes, public works operations will CCTV all existing and new sanitary sewer laterals for projects.
Yes, a clean out needs to be installed within 12 inches of property line/ROW line within the ROW/ Public Property. The cleanout shall not be installed within the driveway.
Yes, the owner is responsible to replace the lateral within private/easement and public property. ROW permit is required for any work on Public Property.
Anytime there is changes or new installation of underground Utilities (Sewer, Water, Fireline, etc.) in the ROW.
Yes, Sunshine 811 must be contracted before excavation on ROW or utility easement.
Yes, a MOT Plan is required to direct pedestrians appropriately to a safe route.
Miami Dade County concrete plants will have the Miami Beach Red.
Anytime you are impacting the public ROW sidewalk, a sidewalk closure permit is required.
Yes, since the sidewalk has been impacted, a sidewalk closure permit is required with Public Works.
The City requires sidewalk permits to ensure the safety of the public and the integrity of the Right-of-Way.
The city has the right to restrict the location of any rolloff, portable containers, or dumpsters in order to ensure the public's safety and to prevent traffic hazards. It is prohibited to place rolloffs and portable containers in the following locations and areas:
- Alleys, lanes, bridges.
- Ocean Drive, from Biscayne Street to 15th Street.
- Collins Avenue, from Biscayne Street to 87th Terrace.
- Washington Avenue, from Biscayne Street to 17th Street.
- 41st Street, from Collins Avenue to Alton Road.
- 71st Street, from Collins Avenue to Bay Drive
Anytime you are looking to place any type of Public Storage Container in the ROW, (rolloffs, portable containers, Moving PODs, dumpsters, etc.).
Yes. Building Department does a structural review.
A Scaffolding permit is needed to protect pedestrians in the ROW.
Yes, an MOT plan is needed in accordance with Section 1 of Public Works Manual.
Anytime you are impacting the public ROW street/lane, a local street closure permit is required.
We require at least 20 business days to route the MOT through the various departments.
Yes, a City of Miami Beach ROW permit and an FDOT LCIS permit is required.
Landscape in ROW permit is needed for anytime one wants to add landscape or replace to the ROW.
Yes, a Landscape Maintenance Agreement is needed between the City of Miami Beach and the property owner. Approval is needed from Greenspace prior to permit approval.
Yes, both need to be contacted by the owner/contractor to mark all underground utilities in construction zone.
Anytime you want to place a temporary generator in the ROW.
Generator can only be placed in ROW parking or loading zones. Generators cannot be placed in swales or greenspaces, and they cannot block sidewalks. Code Compliance and Fire Departments location approval are required before ROW permit issuance.
Fire hydrant must not be placed within 7.5 feet radius distance to any parking space. If this is your last option, you must receive approval front the Parking Department to remove the on-street parking as well as pay any fees for the parking space removal.
The minimum diameter of the fire service line allowed is 4-inch. If your site requires less than 4-inch fire service line, you may reduce the size for the pipe after the backflow preventer.
Yes, a lien search is required with a 30-day expiration period from time of submittal. Also, all fees should be addressed prior to submittal.
This is a safety mechanism to prevent damage to our sanitary sewer system during clearing and grubbing, as well as foundation installation at the site.
Anytime you are placing a crane in the ROW.
We require at least 20 business days to route the MOT through the various departments
Only the Crane Operator can apply for this permit
A Performance Bond in the amount of 10 Thousand dollars and no cents indemnifying the City as additional insured is required –City of Miami Beach Risk Manager to approve.
Yes, a covenant is needed any time resident or business places a decorative driveway in public Property/ ROW.
Yes, survey is needed when applying.
No, Decorative Driveway Approach is not allowed on state roads
The concrete/asphalt driveway approach permit is required for any driveway approach that is entirely made up of asphalt, or a monolithic concrete slab. Any other driveway approach, such as pavers, indented concrete slabs, stamped concrete slabs, etc. Fall under decorative driveway approach.
If your proposed driveway extends into the public Right-of-Way, then a Public Works permit is required
If there are any other improvements to the Right-of-Way in front of your property, you may need other Public Works permits such as a Landscaping ROW permit.
Yes. An After-The-Fact Permit will be required.
A Maintenance of Traffic plan (MOT) may be required as part of your driveway permit if the proposed construction will affect any vehicular or pedestrian traffic, such as in the case of construction equipment impeding traffic, or the closure of the sidewalk.
The relocation of the existing bust stop must be coordinated with the City of Miami Beach through the Public Works Bus Shelter Permit. If the bus stop is part of the Miami-Dade County Transit system, Miami-Dade County approval is required prior.
Please visit the Miami-Dade County Transportation & Public Works website for transit system information regarding Miami-Dade County bus stops. For the City of Miami Beach Trolley information please visit: https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city-hall/transportation/trolley/ . Additionally, the bus stop sign should indicate if it is a Miami Beach or Miami-Dade County stop.
No, this may create safety issues with traffic (cyclist, motorist, and pedestrians). Therefore, you will be advised to acquire an irrigation meter to use on your property for the duration of construction.
Currently, the Public Works Department does not require the installation of a backflow preventer after the 3-inch construction meter.