Throughout our city we have three types of parking options devoted for the use of commercial deliveries. These are Commercial Loading Zones (CLZ), Freight Loading Zones (FLZ) and Alley Loading Permit (AL). These spaces were designated in order to reduce traffic congestion and prevent “after hours” commercial delivery activities (lift gates, alarms, etc.) from bothering sleeping residents or hotel guests.
Freight Loading Zone
A Freight Loading Zone (FLZ) is a posted on-street parking area, typically between 60′ and 100′ long (three to five parking spaces), for the use of commercial vehicles with a gross vehicle weight exceeding 10,000 lbs. Posted signs provide permitted hours, days, time limits, payment options and prohibitions. In order to use these spaces you must have a valid permit registered through the parking department, or pay the meter.
Commercial Loading Zone
A Commercial Loading Zone (CLZ) is a posted on-street or off-street parking area for the use of any commercial vehicle. Posted signs provide details about the permitted hours, days and time limits.
Alley Loading Permit
An Alley Loading Permit (AL) allows for the use of an area within the city right-of-way typically providing “backdoor” access to commercial establishments or residential properties for loading opportunities. In order to use these areas, an Alley Loading Permit is required. An AL permit is granted to vehicles with a gross weight of less than 10,000 lbs. It is intended for the use of smaller vehicles servicing commercial establishments. Parcel and mail delivery service providers with FLZ permits are honored in AL permit zones; however, these parcel/mail vehicles must honor AL permit regulations. Alleys are important access points for emergency vehicles; therefore, AL permit holders must maintain access for emergency vehicles.
On May 28, 2014, the Mayor and City Commission approved an ordinance establishing new freight loading regulations on August 1, 2014. The City’s goal is to facilitate loading activities for purveyors and businesses alike.
New and expanded freight loading zones (FLZ) as well as alley loading (AL) regulations require an “FLZ” or “AL” permit, respectively. Freight loading zone and alley loading (electronic) permits may be purchased at the City’s Service Center, located at 1755 Meridian Avenue, Suite 100, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. Service Center hours are Monday to Friday, excluding Holidays from 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
The vehicle’s license plate serves as its electronic permit. Parking enforcement is equipped with LPR (license plate recognition) readers to confirm validity. Subsequently, permittees will have an online account (login and password) to manage their fleet and make revisions to vehicle assignments in real time. In the interim, users may send revisions to
For more detailed information regarding regulations, enforcement, zone locations, and more, please refer to the links provided below.
Freight Loading and Alley Loading Zone Permit FAQs
An FLZ is a posted on-street parking area, typically 100' long, for the use of commercial vehicles with a gross vehicle weight (GVW) exceeding 10,000 lbs. Posted signs provide permitted hours, days, time limits, payment options, and prohibitions.
Traffic congestion and resident/visitor quality of life are a priority for the City of Miami Beach. "Double parking" (obstruction of a travel lane) was identified as a major contributor to traffic congestion and “after hours” freight loading activities (lift gates, alarms, etc.) within earshot of sleeping residents or hotel guests is simply no longer acceptable. Regulated freight loading opportunities have been increased by 166%. Permitted freight loading hours vary by area. Demand and usage will be monitored and adjusted accordingly by the City’s Parking Department.
Alleys are city right-of-ways typically providing “backdoor” access to commercial establishments or residential properties for loading opportunities.
An AL permit is granted to vehicles with a gross weight of less than 10,000 lbs. It is intended for the use of smaller vehicles servicing commercial establishments. Parcel and mail delivery service providers with FLZ permits are honored in AL permit zones; however, these parcel/mail vehicles must honor AL permit regulations. Alleys are important access points for emergency vehicles; therefore, while expeditiously loading in alleys, AL permit holders must maintain access for emergency vehicles.
Commercial vehicles exceeding a gross vehicle weight (GVW) of 10,000 lbs must attain either semi-annual or annual permit and infrequent users do not need to attain a permit and may pay for parking at pay station or via ParkMobile (mobile app).
Permit registration is available at the City of Miami Beach Service Center, located at 1755 Meridian Avenue, Suite 100, Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 6:00PM.
Commercial vehicles exceeding a gross vehicle weight (GVW) of 10,000 lbs must attain either semi-annual or annual permit and infrequent users do not need to attain a permit and may pay for parking at pay station or via ParkMobile (mobile app).
Permit registration is available at the City of Miami Beach Service Center, located at 1755 Meridian Avenue, Suite 100, Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 6:00PM.
The following documentation must be provided:
- Valid vehicle registration
- Articles of incorporation, if a commercial entity.
- Valid photo identification.
Commercial vehicles (over 10,000 lbs.) may pay for parking at pay station or electronic payment via ParkMobile, the City’s mobile app for pay by phone service. ParkMobile app is a free download on android, iphone, windows, and blackberry. Click here for parking app info
All regulations are clearly posted on signs in the public right-of-way. Information about the City’s freight loading regulations, including supporting legislation is available on this parking website.
The City’s Parking Enforcement Unit will enforce freight loading zone regulations by citing and towing vehicles that fail to obtain the required permit and/or violate any of the posted regulations. The City’s Police Department enforces traffic regulations, including double parking with moving violations. The City’s Code Enforcement Department is empowered to enforce the prohibition of deliveries during posted hours pursuant to City Code, Section 106- 47, “Freight, commercial, and passenger curb loading zones; hours, deliveries”. Businesses accepting deliveries during prohibited hours are subject to NOV (notice of violation).
Comments, questions, and complaints should be emailed to
A Code and Parking Enforcement Hotline is available 24/7/365 at 305.604.CITY
The vehicle's license plate will serve as its electronic permit. Parking enforcement is equipped with LPR (license plate recognition) readers to confirm validity. Later this year, freight companies will be set up with an online account (login and password) so they may manage their accounts and make changes that will be effective in real time. In the interim, user may send these revisions to the email address provided in response No. 11 above.
These large vehicles may either use pay stations, ParkMobile, or attain a daily parking space rental, if needs are for a full day or multiple days.
The ordinance requires posting of regulations on right-of-way providing notice thereof. Non-moving and moving violations have an established appeal process. Code Enforcement violations may be appealed through the City Clerk Special Master.
Neither the quantity of freight loading zones nor their days and hours for are codified in the City Code. The City Manager or his designee may designate the quantity, placement, and hours of freight loading zones. The City’s Parking Department is committed to providing sufficient freight loading opportunities to efficiently service the business community.
Purveyors and their drivers should always park legally. At times, it is normal to have freight loading zones in use by legitimate permit holders. It is important for drivers to be patient. Freight loading zones are designed to be available every 30 or 60 minutes, accordingly. It is also important for purveyors and their drivers to have zero tolerance for illegal parking and take action to address any instance accordingly. This means no double parking!
The City’s Parking Department monitors freight loading use in order to improve availability. Areas confirmed with a lack of freight loading availability will be adjusted accordingly.
Please send your comments, questions, and complaints to:
Posted Regulations Examples