• City of Miami Beach on Issuu
City of Miami Beach
1700 Convention Center Drive
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
Phone: 305.673.7000

Community Development

The City of Miami Beach is an entitlement grantee of federal funds. It receives an annual allocation of funding for the HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME) and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) programs from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The City is entitled to these funds because its population, housing, and/or demographic characteristics meet the formula requirements needed to obtain funding.

The City of Miami Beach is an entitlement grantee of federal funds. It receives an annual allocation of funding for the HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME) and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) programs from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The City is entitled to these funds because its population, housing, and/or demographic characteristics meet the formula requirements needed to obtain funding.


FY 2025 HOME & CDBG Request for Applications (RFA)

The City of Miami Beach announces the availability of FY 2025 HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME) and FY 2025 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to support projects, programs and activities by area providers aligned with the City’s Consolidated Plan. Proposals may be submitted by not-for-profit or for-profit corporations or partnerships and must take place within the City of Miami Beach and benefit its residents.

The deadline for applications is March 28, 2025 at 3:00 p.m.

A voluntary Pre-Submission for applicants will be held March 6, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. via Microsoft Teams.

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Passcode: Vx2CD39M

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+1 786-636-1480,,641698845# United States, Miami

Phone conference ID: 641 698 845#

Please refer to the Application Information link below for RFA details.

Getting Funded

The Housing and Community Development Division develops competitive processes to select eligible projects for funding under the programs it oversees. Each competitive process, known as a "Request for Applications" (RFA), will be published on the City's website. RFAs are issued for the Division’s funding programs, including SHIP, CDBG, and HOME, as well as for any special housing allocations that may become available.

State & County RFA Information

Eligible applicants should apply for funding through Florida Housing's Request for Applications (RFA) process. This program is governed by Rule 67-48 of the Florida Administrative Code. 

Community Developement Block Grant (CDBG) Program

The City of Miami Beach receives an entitlement allocation of federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) every year.

CDBG Program Primary Objectives

Development of viable urban communities, principally for low- and moderate-income persons, through:

Decent housing
Suitable living environment
Expanded economic opportunity

The City’s CDBG goals and objectives are presented in the federally-mandated Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plan. The City’s accomplishments are reported in the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report.

Please refer to the “Plans and Reports” below for the current Annual Action Plan including funding allocations.


The City of Miami Beach is a HUD-designated entitlement city as determined by the decennial census information on population growth lag, over-crowding, age of housing stock, and poverty. As an entitlement community, the city automatically qualifies for an annual allocation of federal funding under the HOME Investment Partnership Program.

Under HOME Program rules, at least 15 percent of a Participating Jurisdiction’s (PJ) annual HOME allocation must be set aside for Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) activities in eligible housing. A Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) is a private nonprofit, community-based, service organization that has, or intends to obtain, staff with the capacity to develop affordable housing for the community it serves.

Any organization applying for the CHDO set-aside must be certified prior to any commitment of funding. CHDO’s must also submit annual certifications to continue receiving future allocations.

Eligibility Criteria

Set-aside funds must be invested in housing that is owned, sponsored, or developed by the CHDO. This means the CHDO serves in at least one of the following roles: 

  • Owner. The CHDO holds valid legal title to or has a long-term leasehold interest in the rental property. The CHDO may be an owner with more than one individual, corporations, partnerships, or other legal entities. 
  • Sponsor. The CHDO develops or owns a property and agrees to convey ownership to another nonprofit organization. 
  • Developer. The CHDO either owns a property and develops a project or has a contractual obligation to a property owner to develop a project. 

When using set-aside funds in eligible housing, the CHDO may perform one of the following activities: 

  • Acquisition, rehabilitation or new construction of rental housing, 
  • Acquisition, rehabilitation or new construction of homebuyer properties, and 
  • Direct financial assistance to purchasers of HOME-assisted housing sponsored or developed by a CHDO with HOME funds. 

Set aside funds may not be used for tenant-based rental assistance, existing homeowner rehabilitation, or direct homebuyer assistance. PJs may, however, provide non-set-aside funds to CHDOs to carry out these activities. 

To qualify as a CHDO, a nonprofit must demonstrate that meets certain requirements regarding its: 

  • Legal and tax-exempt status, 
  • Financial management capacity and accountability, 
  • Staff capacity to carry out HOME-funded activities, 
  • Experience serving the community, 
  • Board representation by community members, with at least one-third of its members low-income, and 
  • Lack of for-profit or public control 

In addition to its 15 percent set-aside, PJs may use HOME funds to provide special assistance to support and build the capacity of CHDOs. This assistance includes: 

  • Project pre-development loans. A PJ may loan CHDOs up to 10 percent of its annual allocation for up-front eligible project expenditures, seed money, or site control. Pre-development loans count toward the CHDO set-aside if the project moves forward; they are forgivable if the project does not move forward. 
  • Operating assistance. PJs may provide up to 5 percent of its annual HOME allocation for salaries, wages, employee education and training, rent and utilities, taxes and insurance, and materials. Assistance may not exceed the greater of $50,000 or 50 percent of the CHDO’s total annual operating expenses for that year. 
  • Use of HOME project proceeds. At the discretion of the PJ, a CHDO may be authorized to retain some or all of the proceeds generated from development activity to support additional HOME-eligible activities or other low-income housing activities. A PJ must stipulate in its written agreement with the CHDO whether the CHDO may retain project proceeds. 
  • Capacity-building assistance. Within the first two years of becoming a PJ, PJs that cannot identify a sufficient number of capable CHDOs may commit a limited amount of HOME funds for capacity-building assistance. 


Yes, the City offers down payment assistance up to $150,000 for eligible applicants through its First-Time Homebuyer Program funded by the State Housing Initiatives Program (SHIP), contingent upon funding availability. Eligible applicants must provide 2% down and obtain a mortgage for the balance of the acquisition cost. A portion of SHIP funds must be used to improve the property.

Yes, the City’s Homeowner-Occupied Rehabilitation Program provides up to $70,000 in forgivable loans, contingent upon funding availability, for eligible property owners in need of repairs to their home including those triggered by code and building violations. Participants must agree to use the assisted property as their main residence for 15 years.

The City maintains 89 affordable, residential units. Because these buildings were acquired and/or rehabilitated with federal funds, the City is required to maintain a waitlist for tenants accessing these buildings. The City’s waitlist is currently closed.

The Fair Housing Act protects people from discrimination when they are renting, buying, or securing financing for any housing. The prohibitions specifically cover discrimination because of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, and the presence of children. The City collaborates with HOPE Fair Housing Center to educate tenants about their housing rights. You can reach HOPE via its website at www.hopefhc.co













Miami Dade County instituted The Office of Housing Advocacy to help tenants with tenant-landlord issues. Miami Dade County also passed the “Tenants Bill of Rights”, outlining protections for tenants.

For more information you can go to: Miami-Dade Website or you can call the hotline at: 786-469-4545 (Note: This is not a City of Miami Beach phone number.)

Read the Tenant's Bill of Rights

Additional Resources

The links below will provide you with additional information regarding the City’s partners. Links do not represent endorsement by the City of Miami Beach. The City of Miami Beach is not responsible for the content of other sites.

The Community Development Division funds a variety of projects and has acquired and/or rehabilitated various properties throughout the City including:

  • Boys & Girls Club/ Flamingo Park
  • The London House Apartments
  • The Lottie Apartments
  • Madeleine Village Apartments
  • The Neptune Apartments
  • The Allen Apartments
  • Meridian Place Apartments
  • UNIDAD/North Beach Senior Center

In addition to housing projects, the Division has funded a variety of public service activities including:

  • Childcare for low-income working families
  • Grocery delivery program for the elderly
  • Rent assistance for households facing eviction

Office Information


Alba Tarre

Department Director
We are dedicated to being responsive to the needs of our residents by providing the highest quality of service and support while ensuring customer satisfaction with every interaction.