• City of Miami Beach on Issuu
City of Miami Beach
1700 Convention Center Drive
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
Phone: 305.673.7000

Current Advisories

Hurricane Season (June 1 โ€“ November 30)

All Miami Beach residents and businesses are strongly encouraged to check their hurricane preparedness kits, review their family emergency plans, and remain informed during hurricane season.

Storm Surge Planning

Miami Beach is located within a storm surge planning zone, which means evacuation may be ordered if a storm surge is a threat. Plan in advance where you will stay, how you will get there, and what supplies you will take in case an evacuation order is issued. Also, give yourself ample time to get to a safe area. For more information on how to prepare, go to our Hurricane Information Center.

MB Alerts

Text "MBALERT" to 888777 to sign up to receive traffic updates and public safety notifications from the City of Miami Beach right to your phone.

Sign up now
  • dem@miamibeachfl.gov

  • 305.673.7736 ext. 7736

  • Office

    2310 Pine Tree Drive, Third Floor
    Miami Beach, FL 33140

  • Hours of Operation

    Monday - Sunday | 24/7