Guidelines for Construction Sites
It’s important to have the right gear on hand to secure equipment and cover incomplete structures before a storm comes your way. Make sure each member of your team knows where they’re stored.
Hurricane Preparation Materials and Equipment:
- Concrete Anchors
- Duct Tape
- Garbage Bags
- Generators
- Ground Anchors
- Fuel
- Misc. Hardware and Fasteners
- Netting
- Plastic Sheeting
- Plywood
- Pumps
- Rope
- Sand Bags
- Shoring and Bracing
- Water
- Wire
Consider keeping hard copies of contact lists, plans and other important documents in a safe place. These documents should include:
- An emergency evacuation plan.
- Emergency contact information for employees.
- List of hurricane preparation materials, equipment and their sources.
- Vendors and contractors who can provide recovery services and replacement supplies.
- Procedures to follow in the event of exposed electrical wires, hazardous material leaks or structural damage.
- A contact list of back-up personnel to call if recovery teams are unable to return to work.
Designate a team member to keep an eye on the weather once a Tropical Storm Watch is issued.
- Check sites like The Weather Channel and Accuweather for the latest severe weather alerts.
- Invest in a weather radio powered by batteries, solar or a hand crank to receive weather information during power outages.
National Weather Service: Hurricane season runs from June 1 to November 30 each year.
Once the National Weather Service issues a Hurricane Watch, it’s time to prepare your job site for the storm ahead.
- Use rope, sand bags, ground anchors and other items to weigh down materials that could easily fly away.
- Cover materials with plastic sheeting, netting or garbage bags to prevent water damage.
- Stack loose materials together and secure them with rope or duct tape to keep them from dispersing.
- Complete work on partially completed structures to minimize damage, if time allows.
If you’re able to remove loose materials or expensive equipment, do so immediately after a Hurricane Warning is announced.
- Have your construction dumpster picked up or cover the container with a tarp.
- Remove or tie down portable bathrooms.
- Remove hazardous chemicals to prevent them from being released into the environment.
- Remove materials, tools or equipment that can be damaged by rising water.
- Move heavy equipment and machinery to a garage or other covered structure.
- Tear down and store light-weight fence screens and job site signage.
- Move any portable electronics, job site plans and other important documents from the construction trailer to a safe location offsite.
- Turn off power to the site and make sure fuel is available for power generators.
National Weather Service: On average, 12 tropical storms, 6 of which become hurricanes, form over the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea or Gulf of Mexico during the hurricane season.
It’s important to have an evacuation plan in place for your construction site. To determine when you need to leave, you should be familiar with the warning terms used for hurricanes.
- Hurricane/Tropical Storm watches mean that a hurricane or tropical storm is possible in the specified area.
- Hurricane/Tropical Storm warnings mean that a hurricane or tropical storm is expected to reach the area, typically within 24 hours.
Stay tuned to weather alerts via radio, TV or social media and evacuate as soon as local authorities give the word. Before storm season, learn your community’s emergency plans and the location of nearby shelters so your employees have a safe place to go if they can’t make it home.
It’s important to have an evacuation plan in place for your construction site. To determine when you need to leave, you should be familiar with the warning terms used for hurricanes.
- Hurricane/Tropical Storm watches mean that a hurricane or tropical storm is possible in the specified area.
- Hurricane/Tropical Storm warnings mean that a hurricane or tropical storm is expected to reach the area, typically within 24 hours.
Stay tuned to weather alerts via radio, TV or social media and evacuate as soon as local authorities give the word. Before storm season, learn your community’s emergency plans and the location of nearby shelters so your employees have a safe place to go if they can’t make it home.

Returning to Your Construction Site After the Storm
Once you get the announcement that it’s safe to return to the area, it’s time to assess the damage and start cleaning up.
- Be careful when walking in standing water, which may contain sharp or jagged objects.
- Use caution when entering the building because structural elements may be weakened.
- Rent a dumpster to safely dispose of materials that were damaged by the storm.
During a hurricane, water will inevitably flood your work site. Removing it is important for the safety of your property and neighboring structures. Standing water can soften the ground, compromising structural stability.
- Place pumps in excavations or basements before the storm hits.
- Have dehumidifiers and fans available to dry out the space.
- Discharge water to the storm water system.
- Have contact information on-hand for a tanker truck to haul away excess water.
National Weather Service: Over a typical two-year period, the U.S. coastline is struck by an average of three hurricanes, one of which is classified as a major hurricane with winds of 111 mph or greater.
Once the compliance date is due and no action is taken, the case is sent to the Special Master Office and no further action can be taken by the Violations Section. The violator will need to contact the Office of the City Clerk, Special Master Section at 305.673.7000 ext. 26228.

Communicate Your Construction Hurricane Plan With The Team
Finally, the most important step is to keep your team informed about hurricane precautions.
Discuss your hurricane action plan so your team knows exactly what to do when a storm hits. Ask your crew to read and sign off on the plan.
Establish who will take control in the event of a hurricane. This person will put the plan in motion and assign emergency responsibility roles.
Designate two teams – one for hurricane response and the other for hurricane recovery. Whether this is necessary depends on the size of your crew and work site.
Hurricane preparedness is essential for a safe construction site. We hope this list keeps you and your team out of harm’s way the next time severe weather hits.