(Previously 40 Year Recertification)
In accordance with the Miami-Dade County Code, Section 8-11 (f)(ii)(1), all buildings, which are 30 years or 10 years after that, from the date the building was given its original Certificate of Occupancy or older must be re-certified by the Building Official.
The Exceptions To This Ordinance Are:
Single-family residences
Minor Buildings
Defined as any occupancy group having an occupant load of 10 or less, having a gross area of 2,000 square feet or less.
A completed inspection report containing both the structural and electrical inspection reports must be submitted to the Building Department. All threshold buildings (Any building which is greater than 3 stories or 50 feet in height, or which has an assembly occupancy classification that exceeds 5,000 square feet in area and an occupant content of greater than 500 persons.) must have the structural certification performed by a Florida-licensed structural engineer and the electrical certification must be performed by a Florida-licensed electrical engineer. Reports must detail the conditions of the structural and electrical systems for the referenced address. All non-threshold buildings can have a Florida-licensed design professional (Architect or Engineer) to provide certification.
If there are deficiencies that require permits noted on the initial report, and permits have been obtained and have passed final inspection, the owner must submit an updated report prepared by a Florida licensed design professional. A cover letter is required certifying that the building is structurally and electrically safe for the specified use and occupancy in conformity with the minimum inspection procedure as outlined by County and State law.
When the recertification reports have been approved, the Building Official will issue a Building Recertification approval letter. This letter will be sent to the owner and the Professional Engineer and/or Architect of record.
Digitally Signed Reports
can be submitted via the Citizen Self Service (CSS) portal or emailed to BuildingRecertification@MiamiBeachfl.gov.
Training for Building Recertification. The Building Department hosted an informative session for building managers and condominium association members on the new requirements for building recertification.

Required Building Recertification Reporting Forms:
Are you looking for the recertification status of a Miami Beach building?
1. In the drop-down search box on the left of the screen, select “Permit”. Once selected, a button called “Advanced” will appear.
2. Click “Advanced”. Once clicked, a box of new search options will appear.
3. In the drop-down search box next to “Permit Type”, select “Existing Building Recertification”.
4. In search box next to “Address”, type in the address of the building you are looking for.
5. Click the blue “Search” button on the top-right side of the screen. If available, the building recertification information will appear.
Having trouble finding what you need?
Please contact our existing Building Recertification team at 305.673.7610 and select the option for Building Recertification. You may also contact us via email at BuildingRecertification@miamibeachfl.gov.
Are you concerned about a building’s compliance with the Building Recertification requirements?