• City of Miami Beach on Issuu
City of Miami Beach
1700 Convention Center Drive
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
Phone: 305.673.7000

Bold State & Local Business Incentives

Discover the tools available for businesses, entrepreneurs, investors, and enterprising professionals to build an ambitious, prosperous and productive future.​

Miami Beach Incentive Programs

Office Meeting

Job Creation Incentive Program (JCIP)

Financial rewards for corporate headquarter relocations that bring jobs to the city of Miami Beach.

Building Contractor

Expedited Plan Review Program (EPRP)

Fast tracking building permits for technology and financial services businesses, and headquarters in Miami Beach.

Miami Beach View

Commercial Lease Subsidy Program

Financial incentives to activate commercial properties with arts and culture uses in Miami Beach.

parking garage collins

Parking Incentive Program Application

The City of Miami Beach offers a financial Parking Incentive Program to support economic resiliency for new or expanding businesses in technology, financial services, hospitality, or health/wellness sectors with a physical location in the City.

Art Deco Architecture

Art Deco Painting Incentive Program

The Art Deco Painting Incentive Program is a matching grant incentive Program designed to assist property owners of  commercial buildings in covering the costs associated with painting and enhancing the exterior façade of their building.

Open Sign

Small Business Grant Program

Offers up to $5,000 to eligible businesses to help operations, enhance jobs and boost year-round success.

The Miami-Dade Beacon Council helps companies understand the landscape of business incentives and analyzes their eligibility for local and state business incentives related to job creation and workforce training.

Florida offers bottom-line advantages for long-term profitability and incentives for all types of businesses, from corporate headquarters to manufacturing plants and service firms.

Explore the resources and services the U.S. Department of Commerce bureaus provide to entrepreneurs, business owners, exporters, inventors, and more.

Historic Preservation Incentives

Ad-Valorem Tax Exemption

An incentive that is intended to encourage the rehabilitation and maintenance of historic structures. To be eligible for the tax exemption, properties must be listed in the National Register of Historic Places or a locally designated historic structure.

20% Tax Credit Basics

Available for the rehabilitation of historic, income-producing buildings that are determined by the Secretary of the Interior, through the National Park Service, to be “certified historic structures.”

The office of the Miami-Dade County International Trade Consortium (ITC) serves as the County’s lead liaison to foreign governments and works closely with other offices to ensure protocol procedures and services are being met. The goal of the International Trade Consortium is to solidify the County’s position as a “Global Gateway” for international trade by enhancing international relations, cultural understanding and trade.


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Tools to help you understand the latest business indicators, demographics, and industry trends within the City of Miami Beach.


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